Have you found your uniqueness?
I feel incredibly humbled that what I love to do so much can have such a profound impact on other people in this world. That’s what music does. It’s an incredibly precious thing and something I will never, ever take for granted.
I find it really helpful to regularly take the time out to think on and try to define/refine what it is about me as a person, and as an artist that connects with people on a deeper level.
Beyond the hype.
What’s unique and lasting – the essence of what I bring…what impression I leave behind, what difference do I make…
The reason I do this is because I want to bring more of that to the table in my music. In songwriting, performing, everything I do and share…
Singing and making music is so much fun! And that’s fine if you just want to do it for fun, but it’s not enough if you want to really make your mark and shine as an artist.
Think of an artist you love…
What is it about them, their songs, their voice, their music, that connects with you on a deeper level?
I mean, it’s great to have an amazing voice, but what are you using it to communicate? It’s great to have a fan base, but what are you giving them that’s impactful and lasting? Delve into this for yourself…
Spend some time thinking, journaling and working out your ‘why’.. your ‘purpose’ or underlying reason for loving and making music, go beyond ‘you just like to do it’…
Here’s a few questions to get you started. Keep asking ‘why’ until you get to the root of each…
- What are you passionate about & why?
- What are some things you really disagree with in this world and why? (sometimes it’s easier to think of this than what we are passionate about)
- What do you believe in with all of your heart, what are your values, your morals, do you have strong opinions about something?
- Have you had to overcome adversity? What is your story? Use your own personal transformation through life to help transform others. I love this quote by Joseph Campbell – “Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.”
- In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? Can you incorporate some of these ideas into your music?
- Ask close friends and family who know you well what they think is unique about you as a person and as an artist.
We should continually challenge ourselves, give more of ourselves through our music, in our songs, when we perform, and in our lives.
You don’t need to be ‘preachy’ (actually, please don’t), but you should know what you stand for and what you care about…and guess what – other people (your fans or future fans) also want to know this! It’s how they connect with you and relate to you.
It’s interesting (and a bit scary)… as you develop and become more accustomed to the business side of music, the marketing and ‘process stuff’ (and I guess as you just make more of it!)… it can be easy to become disconnected from your ‘why’ and just focus on results, sales, followers & chart successes etc… but personally, I think true success and real satisfaction comes from that sense of authenticity and connectedness within your music to your true self and your ‘deep why’ or purpose for doing it in the first place…
It’s easy to play it safe, imitate, or do what you ‘think people will like’, but there is only one YOU in this world. Communicate your message to the world in a way that only you can.
“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else” – Judy Garland
There’s plenty of great singers out there, millions of ‘good’ songs… but the ones that shine brighter than the rest are the ones that take risks, bring their uniqueness and give us something different.
Something authentic, connected and real.
Something that stops us in busy lives and makes us take notice.
Have you found your ‘uniqueness’?
I hope you found this helpful, and if you’d like more personalised support or advice on this or any other aspect of your musical journey, get in touch.
It would give me great pleasure to be able to help you on your way (helping others is a big part of my own personal ‘why’).
Love & light,
Hayley x